Saturday, December 29, 2012

GVPAP Annual Show, 2013

I'm happy to announce that I had 5 paintings accepted in this years Genesee Valley Plein Air Painters show, which takes place in the community room (upstairs) at the Pittsford Barnes and Noble. The show runs through Friday, February 1. An opening reception and awards ceremony will be held on Saturday, January 5 from 4-6 pm.

Indian Summer at Braddock Bay,  oil/canvas, 8x10

The above was painted on one of the last warm days this was about 80 deg, and all kinds of critters were out enjoying the weather, including several snakes.

Red Barns, oil/canvas, 8x10 (sold)

Creekside Trees, oil/canvas, 8x10 (sold)

Snowy Morning, oil/canvas, 8x10 (sold)

Good Saturday Morning, oil/canvas, 6x12 (sold)